
The Value of Cross-Team Collaboration (Cross-Functional Teams)


In today’s economy, employees are asked to do more with less. How, then, can employees be productive and efficient in the light of overwork and under-staffing? Cross-team collaboration, also known as cross-functional teams, allows employees to share talent, skills and expertise in a way that maximizes effectiveness while reducing time constraints and manpower shortages. The seminar participant will learn how cross-functional teams work, how they can be put in place, and how they can be used to maximize organizational productivity – while ensuring a happy and growing employee base.


Professional Development

Learning Objective

Participants will be able to form and work within cross-functional teams in a manner that allows the team and the organization to be more productive, more innovative, and ultimately more successful.

Who Should Attend

The forward-thinking employee who is working in a cross-team collaborative environment, and/or the astute leader thinking of implementing cross-functional teams into their work setting.

Required Knowledge


Advanced Preparation



  • What is Cross-Team Collaboration and Why Should I Care?
  • The 7 Deadly Sins that Block Collaboration
  • 5 Steps to Cross Organizational Collaboration and Teamwork
  • The Leadership Role within Cross-Functional Teams
  • The Team Members
  • Creating Common Purpose and Goals
  • Clarifying Roles and Building Trust
  • The Secret to Cross-Team Collaboration
  • The Value of Cross-Team Collaboration (Cross-Functional Teams)
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