Access Level II
Shoring Up the Database
Suggested Prerequisites: Access Level I
Description: Access Level II is designed to take the participant to the next level beyond the basics. Level II adds data validation, end-user enhancements, more advanced data manipulation, and system automation. This course, which offers a more full understanding of Access, flows naturally into the Access Level III course, which steps up each of the Level II topics and focuses heavily on data manipulation and end-user strategies.
Rules of Normalization
- The Relationship Window
- Creating One-to-One Relationships
- Creating One-to-Many Relationships
- The Road Map
Table Design Properties
- Field Descriptions
- Input Mask
- Default Values
- Validation Rules and Text
Queries and Calculations
- Math Operations
- The Totals Tool
- Concatenation
Form Enhancements
- Adding a Combo Box
- Rectangles
- Adding a Logo
- Adding Additional Fields
Report Enhancements
- Sorting and Grouping
- The Summary Line
- Subreports
Access Level II