Energizing and Engaging Employees


We all know what it’s like to work in an environment where people punch a clock, work the requisite hours, and leave as soon as possible – with a monotony and lack of enthusiasm that would stun a sloth. Some of us have also been fortunate to work in an environment that is energized, fun and exciting – one that we approach each day with a sense of anticipation, and leave each day jazzed about returning to. This seminar shows participants how to energize and engage both themselves and others in the work environment for maximum enjoyment and productivity. Turn your boring work routine into an innovative, invigorating experience with the tips and tricks included in this compelling seminar.


Professional Development

Learning Objective

The participant will have new tools that can be utilized to energize and engage fellow employees to create a more successful, productive and desirable work environment.

Who Should Attend

The innovative employee who wants to work with a team of upbeat movers and shakers – and who is willing to help inspire those co-workers.

Required Knowledge


Advanced Preparation



  • How to Tell if Your Employees are Energized
  • The Employee Engagement Improvement Strategy
  • 10 Rules of Employee Engagement
  • Energize your Employees Every Day
  • The Qualities of Energizing and Engaging Leaders
  • The Engagement Commandments
  • Energizing and Engaging Employees
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