Leaders as Coaches: Coaching Employees for Success
Often, leaders employ an autocratic style of leadership which typically does not work with today’s employee. When a leader uses a coaching style of leadership, the focus is placed on developing individuals, nurturing a continual learning process, and focusing on long-term improvements – or setting the organization, the team, and the employee up for success. This seminar focuses on how a leader can become a leader/coach – to the benefit of all.
Learning Objective
Attendees will learn leadership/coaching skills that will enable them to continually improve the organization, team, and employee performance – for the success of all.
Who Should Attend
Any professional working in a leadership capacity who wants to help others become the best version of themselves in the workplace.
Required Knowledge
Advanced Preparation
• What Does the Leader/Coach Approach Involve?
• Seven Elements that Promote Leader/Coach Success
• Four Core Skills for Leader/Coaching
• Qualities of Successful Leader/Coaches
• Six Steps to Making Leader/Coaching Effective in Any Organization